The Justice Connect Program

Delivering Astria for Tasmania

Justice Connect program

The Justice Connect program team is delivering a major digital transformation of Tasmania’s justice system to replace outdated and inefficient practices with an integrated end-to-end digital solution. This transformational solution will be called Astria, named after an ancient Greek goddess of justice.

This program of work impacting multiple government agencies and areas within the Department of Justice will be implemented in stages. The first stage is focusing on criminal and corrective justice system.

The multi-disciplinary program team developing Astria is a unique, agile collaboration using subject matter experts from different jurisdictions, government agencies and functions who are embedded within the program team as the 'voice of the user' throughout development.

On 30 August 2021, the former Minister for Justice (MP Elise Archer) and our vendor partners signed the Astria implementation phase contract. This milestone marked the start of the work required to deploy Astria in the following releases:

  • Release 1: Jury Management - Live November 2022
  • Release 2: Criminal Corrections - Planned Go live early 2025
  • Release 2.1: Parole Board - Planned Go Live 2025
  • Release 3: Criminal Courts and Prosecution – Estimated 2026

Jury portal access

To log in to the Jury portal, select Jury portal log in.

If you have any questions, please contact the Supreme Court office on this number 1300 664 608 or visit their website.

Astria access

For Department of Justice employees.

To log in to Astria, please contact your Manager.

If the screen displays a message 'Application under maintenance', the system is being updated. This may take 30 minutes. Please try and log in later.